Dataportal - Internal Data

The script below demonstrates how to use the channel group and channel manipulation commands.  

from DIAdem import Application as dd

if False:
    import DIAdem_CodeCompletion as dd

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
print('Script "LastScript.PY')

# --------------------------------------------------------------------

def ChnRemove(oChn):
  #Removes the channel oChn.
  oElementList = dd.Data.GetChannels(oChn.GetReference(dd.eReferenceNameName))

def bTestDIAdemScriptEnv():
    dd.Data.Root.Name = "bTestDIAdemScriptEnv"
    oGrp = dd.Data.Root.ChannelGroups.Add("MyChnGrp1")
    #print('oGrp.Name = ' + oGrp.Name)
    #Create a time channel
    oChnX = oGrp.Channels.Add("Time",dd.DataTypeFloat64)    #dd.DataTypeFloat64, dd.DataTypeString, dd.DataTypeChnDate
    dd.ChnLinGen(oChnX, 0, 500, 100, 's')
    #print(oChnX.GetReference(dd.eRefTypeNameName) + ' max: ' + str(oChnX.Properties("maximum").value))
    #Create date/time channel
    oChnDateTime = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnX)
    oChnDateTime.Name = "DateTime"
    #Define the datetime offset. 
    import datetime  
    current_time =  
    #oUsiLocal = dd.CreateTime(current_time.year, current_time.month,, current_time.hour, current_time.minute, current_time.second, current_time.microsecond)
    oUsiLocal = dd.CreateTime(current_time.year, current_time.month,, current_time.hour, current_time.minute, current_time.second)
    #Convert the numeric channel oChnDateTime to a channel data type of time (date/time).  
    dd.ChnNumericToTime(oChnDateTime, oUsiLocal.GetUTC.SecondsFrom0000 + oUsiLocal.Fraction, False)
    oChnDateTime.Properties.Add('description', 'Derived from channel "time"')
    #Create a numeric channel
    oChnY = oGrp.Channels.Add("Numeric",dd.DataTypeFloat64)
    #ChnGenVal(ChnArg1, ChnRow, ValNo, ChnBegin, ChnStep
    dd.ChnGenVal(oChnY, 1, 100, 0.0, 1.0/33.0)
    oChnY.XRelation = oChnX
    oChnY.UnitSymbol = 'psi'
    #print(oChnY.GetReference(dd.eRefTypeNameName) + ' max: ' + str(oChnY.Properties("maximum").value))
    #Update the 2nd value/row in oChnY to be 0.30
    oChnY.SetValues(0.30, 2)
    #Create a waveform channel
    oChnWf = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnY)
    oChnWf.Name = "Waveform"
    dd.ChnToWfChn(oChnDateTime, oChnWf, False, "WfXAbsolute")
    #Create a numeric channel from the waveform channel oChnWf
    oChnY = oGrp.Channels.AddChannel(oChnWf)
    oChnY.Name = "NumericFromWf"
    oElementList = dd.WfChnToChn(oChnY, True, "WfXAbsolute")
    oElementList.Item(1).Name = "DateTimeNumericFromWf"
    #Remove all of the channels just created
    for c in range(oGrp.Channels.Count, 0, -1):
        print('\tRemoving channel ' + oGrp.Channels.Item(c).Name)
        oChn = oGrp.Channels.Item(c)
    #Remove the channel group



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